Upcoming Events
The Studio 306 is open for ARTWALK
Newberg’s First Friday of the month | 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Enjoy a complimentary glass of wine and browse art and jewelry created by local artists.
The Studio 306 presents the artwork of
The Magnificent 8 | June 3 - September 16
Eight talented local artists pursuing their passions. We sell direct to the public without the gallery markup. Affordable and approachable art. Painting, outdoor sculpture, mid century modern lighting and jewelry.
Lavender Festival
The Studio 306 will showcase local artists | July 8 - July 10 ​
A festival special feature is Lavender Jewelry created using restyled vintage and salvaged jewelry elements. All the colors of the lavender in the Willamette Valley are represented.
Wine Country Street of Dreams
Open every day | July 23 - August 14 -- 11:00 - 5:00 pm​
Garden tours hosted by our designer are available by appointment.
Please text 503-887-0466.

306 East Sherman Street,
Newberg, Oregon 97132